RK360® NAVI: AI-Powered Healthcare Navigation that Simplifies Your Healthcare Journey
The only HIPAA-compliant, consumer platform with patient-provider matching, data sharing, and care coordination
- Match and communicate with 8M+ providers nationawide – without big-tech surveillance
- Consolidate, own and share your and your family’s health data in tamper-proof, encrypted cloud records
- Coordinate all your providers with record access that avoids treatment and billing errors
The only HIPAA-compliant, consumer platform with patient-provider matching, data sharing, and care coordination
- Match and communicate with 8M+ providers nationawide – without big-tech surveillance
- Consolidate, own and share your and your family’s health data in tamper-proof, encrypted cloud records
- Coordinate all your providers with record access that avoids treatment and billing errors
They said it best
As a senior, I am well aware of the difficulties in not only finding and receiving thorough medical attention but in the myriad of ways that medical records are kept. Between my visits with the medical staff at my living facility, VA care and generalists/specialists that I visit, coupled with using Medicare and Medicaid, housing all of my data and correspondence in one place would be ideal. (more…)Review
As a physician, I find the RK360® medical record exchange platform especially useful in the smaller practice setting where timely exchange of medical records between patient and provider is not always possible. The RK360® platform prepares the provider for short-notice telehealth or in-person visits by receiving pertinent medical records sent electronically directly from subscribing patients. (more…)Review
I’ve learned about the importance of being able to gather medical records all in one place in three ways. First, as a cancer patient. I had testicular cancer 25 years ago and though I have not suffered any significant problems as a result of the cancer, I have some lingering issues related not to the cancer but, rather to the treatment of the cancer. It is good for doctors to be able to access my records, know what was done to me, and formulate a plan for the future. (more…)Review
There are many things about this tool that I like and think are very smart. There is more of an emphasis on provider needs and providing leads to patients. The emphasis on ransomware and HIPAA authorizations is a smart thing to do. For many doctors, you can't send them an email with an attachment - they can't accept it. (more…)Review
A few years back, I went through extensive testing and treatment for fertility issues around my PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). This app would have really helped my doctors share and communicate around test results, labs, treatment plans. It was all me at the time, juggling communications and trying to track the extensive billing. I think this tool would be very helpful for families and individuals embarking on their fertility journey.Review
Going through the trauma of cancer wasn’t helped at all by how broken data sharing is in even the best health systems. A product like RedKangaroo® would have saved me and my family so time and additional stress.Review
As a dentist, this is the kind of tool that I and my patients would find to be very helpful. Currently, when a new patient contacts my office, there is an enormous waste of time and effort trying to contact the previous provider to get x-rays and treatment records. Often the office is closed, or doesn't have digital images/notes and so days/weeks can ensue before the records are available. This often means delaying treatment, or taking x-rays which means an additional cost to the patient , as well as additional exposure to x-rays.Find any US healthcare provider who matches your location, specialty and health plan needs. Find and coordinate care through a nationwide provider directory.
Coordinate care planning across nearby and distant, hospital and community providers. Coordinate care across providers and health insurance networks nationwide.
Own and manage RK360® Cloud Health Records for yourself and your family. Authorize providers with Record access at scheduled and emergency visits.
Give specialists the daily symptoms, images,and lab results needed to solve your medical mysteries. Avoid the cost and harm of needlessly repeated tests.
Share critical data at telehealth, emergency, specialist and hospital visists. Consult remotely with trusted providers.
Exercise HIPAA rights of no-cost, fast access to provider files. Communicate with any US provider without Big Tech surveillance.
Family Caregiver?
Spend less time and energy managing your own and your family’s healthcare. Invest your efforts in healing and enjoying your loved ones.
Use the RK360® NAVI App, for yourself and for each family member, to:
- Find providers who match location, insurance, specialty, expertise requirements
- Coordinate primary-care providers and specialists, near and far
- Share RK360® Cloud Record contents before in-person and telemedicine visits
- Simplify provider upload of post-visit results to patients’ RK360® Cloud Records
- Avoid big-tech surveillance and reselling of personally identifiable data
Medicare Beneficiary? Super-Ager?
Exercise mental and physical super-ager capabilities of much younger people, while making the most of Medicare benefits
Use the RK360® NAVI App to:
- Find Medicare providers with demonstrated experience and expertise in necessary procedures, such as hip replacements
- Coordinate holistic and western-medicine Medicare providers
- Own and share with Medicare and non-Medicare providers an RK360® Cloud Record of care plans, labs, symptoms, x-rays
- During transitions to senior-living or skilled-nursing facilities, authorize family caregivers to administer your RK360® Record.
Avoid health data breaches and bureaucratic hassles while getting expert care far from home
Use the RK360® NAVI App to:
- Lockdown your RK360® Record during travel
- Find verified experts at your destination
- Authorize pre-visit access to your health data
- Import post-visit results to your RK360® Record
- Coordinate expert and hometown care providers
Achieve your personal-best health back home, white making the most of your VA benefits.
Use the RK360® NAVI App to:
- Automate VA health data import into an RK360® Cloud Record you own and control
- Match with civilian experts and authorize their access to VA and civilian health data
- Track symptoms of service-related conditions
- Coordinate care across civilian and VA providers
Policies & Procedures
Physical address:
Prosocial Applications, Inc
1905 15th St. #4585
Boulder CO 80302-4585 USA
+1 (720) 310-5440