The Jax Act and the Healthcare Female Veterans Earned

By Christy Felton and Elaine Blechman

On March 24, 2023, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) together with Jen Kiggans (VA-02), Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06), and Jason Crow (CO-06) introduced The Jax Act. The proposed Act would amend the military records of about 310 women who volunteered for cultural support teams and deployed alongside Special Forces soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq from 2010 to 2021.

These female veterans returned home without the “Combat Veteran” classification awarded to their male colleagues, which grants enhanced eligibility for Veterans Administration healthcare benefits including cost-free health care services and nursing home care for conditions possibly related to military service.

female veteran health issues & female veteran mental health

They were denied access to Veterans Administration women’s healthcare for service-connected disabling physical trauma, traumatic brain injuries, post-traumatic stress, female veteran health issues and female veteran mental health issues.

While on dangerous combat missions these female veterans endured hostility from Army Rangers and Green Berets, as Hope Hodge Seck reported in the Washington Post. Back home they struggled to get Veterans’ Administration healthcare for physical and mental health issues related to their service. Without a tool to access health care data from before, during and after their combat service, these female veterans could not inform VA doctors about combat-related health issues that warranted extensive and intensive Veterans Administration women’s healthcare services.

We stand with the Congressional Representatives who introduced the Jax Act on behalf of the women who served in Afghanistan and Iraq and hope the Act will soon be signed into law.

Compared to 10 other highest-income countries, Americans have the least access to health care, the worst treatment outcomes and the greatest disease burden—years of life lost due to premature death and years of productive life lost to poor health or disability. The underserved female military and veteran population may fare even worse than their civilian counterparts.

We created the RK360® Cloud Health Record App as a consumer tool to access health care data. As a tool to aggregate scattered health information into an RK360® Cloud Health Record, which consumers exclusively own, control and share across the RK360® Digital Health Privacy Platform.

The RK360® Cloud Health Record App equips female veterans to access health care data from times before, during and after military service and from records of civilian, military, and Veterans Administration health care providers. The RK360® App equips female veterans to exclusively own, control and share information with any U.S. health care provider across the RK360® Digital Health Privacy Platform without surveillance by or disclosure to third parties.

The RK360® Cloud Health Record gives female veterans a more complete picture of their health than the fragmented patient portals attached to military, veteran, and civilian providers’ health record systems. This is important because female veterans are more likely to have complex health needs than male veterans including military sexual trauma (MST). Access to all their data in one place empowers female veterans to make informed decisions about their care.

Second, the RK360® Cloud Health Record makes it easier for female veterans to coordinate their care. This is important because they are more likely to see multiple providers for their health care needs than male veterans. Access to all their health data in one place, eases  communication among female veterans’ many providers and increases the chances that female veterans will get the highest quality treatment outcomes.

Third, the RK360® Cloud Health Record gives female veterans maximum possible control over access to their health data. This is important because female veterans are more likely to have concerns about privacy and confidentiality than male veterans. By exercising exclusive ownership, control, and sharing of their health information on the RK360® Digital Health Privacy Platform, female veterans decide who has access to which data and how it is for what uses.

Fourth, the RK360® Cloud Health Record makes it easier for female veterans to access care. This is important because female veterans are more likely to live in rural areas and have difficulty accessing care. By using the RK360® App on the RK360® Digital Health Privacy Platform, female veterans may match with providers who fit their needs, schedule on site visits, get telehealth consults, exchange pre- and post-visit information, all without unauthorized surveillance.

Finally, the RK360® Cloud Health Record may improve the quality of care that female veterans receive. This is because the RK360® Record gives providers a more complete 360 view of a patient’s health than any one provider’s electronic health record system. By promoting data-driven health care decisions, the RK360® Record avoids needless treatment errors, encourages personalized rather than one-size-fits all care and may, in turn, improve health outcomes.

If you or someone you know is a woman veteran sign up at with coupon code EARLYVET. You will get an early-adopter RK360® Cloud Health Record Family Plan subscription. You pay $19.99 a year instead of the retail price of $199.99 a year.

You get:

  • Your Own RK360® Record
  • 4 RK360® Records you administer for others
  • 100 GB storage contents of 5 Records
  • 10 HIPAA fax-to-provider requests each month

Your RK360® Family Plan subscription equips you to:

  • Own and manage total cloud health records for yourself and your family
  • Find and coordinate care through a nationwide provider registry
  • Share data at emergency, hospital, specialist, telehealth & urgent care visits
  • Avoid the cost and harm of needlessly repeated tests
  • Lockdown cloud health records when traveling
  • Exercise HIPAA rights of no-cost access to provider and health plan records

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