We built the RK360® Digital Health Privacy Platform

the RK360® Cloud Health Record App

the RK360® Basic Provider App

for people coping with these everyday user stories.

User Stories

Becky, age 41

Coping with cancer

I am a single mother of three, in treatment for breast cancer, struggling to keep working as a nurse so I can support my family and maintain our health plan coverage. My goal is to automatically gather all my scattered health data from past, present and future dentists, physicians, hospitals, imaging centers, and pharmacies, keep it for the rest of my life in my encrypted RK360® Cloud Record, and rapidly share relevant, trustworthy information with any provider at point of care via my RK360® Mobile App. I hope to avoid needless safety errors and costly duplicate testing and to get ready for loss of insurance coverage and in-network providers who, for now, document my care in their records.

User Stories

Dr. Jane


As a dentist, my goal is for potential new patients to know from my RK360® Provider Directory Listing that after each visit I upload results such as treatment plans and x-rays (radiographs) to their RK360® Cloud Records, so they can easily share results with other dentists and avoid the cost and harm of needless duplication of x-rays.

User Stories

Sharon, age 32

Coping with pregnancy and diabetes

I am a lawyer, lucky to have a supportive husband as I balance the demands of my job and a difficult pregnancy complicated by a history of Type 1 diabetes. My goal, via my RK360® Mobile App, is to automatically request and receive from each healthcare provider I consult, the results of our encounter, whether this is a radiology imaging study, a diagnostic report, a referral note, or a care plan, for secure long-term storage and rapid sharing with future providers consistent with their technology preferences in my RK360® Cloud Record. My hope is to get personalized care based on facts about my health status rather than one-size-fits-all care based on first-glance assumptions.

User Stories

Ben, age 56

Coping with frequent travel and heart condition

I am an engineer and a frequent traveler outside the U.S., hospitalized on a business trip due to a heart attack, soon to be released for travel home. My goal, via my RK360® Mobile App, is to share the discharge summary from this hospital with a cardiologist back home who will give me a treatment plan with recommendations for what I should do to prevent another heart attack, particularly during stressful travel. During my next emergency, I want to be able to find local providers who share data with patients and send them my treatment plan and my self-reported outcomes via my App. Then, via my App, I want to get from local providers the results of their services and their invoices so my cardiologist can update my treatment plan and so that my health insurance will quickly reimburse my out-of-pocket costs. My hope is that I can keep doing the work I enjoy without health-imposed limitations.

User Stories

Jake, age 25

Coping with amputation and PTSD

I am a veteran, returned from Afghanistan after an IED injury destroyed my leg. My goal, using my RK360® Mobile App and Cloud Record, is continuous collection and storage, under my exclusive lifelong control, of all my data from Veterans Administration (VA) and non-VA physical and behavioral health providers so that my irreplaceable records are safe despite changes in VA management and policies. Using my App, I want to restrict the sharing of my behavioral health data to providers who I trust will respect my confidence so that I can openly discuss my PTSD experiences without backlash.

User Stories

Tim, age 72

Coping with stroke, and worries about paying medial bills

I am a retired electrician grateful for a good life. After my wife passed away last year and I had a stroke, I moved in with my son and daughter-in-law. I help them out with the rent and the grandkids, and they help me get to doctors’ appointments and visits with friends. I worry about losing my Medicare coverage, getting care from unfamiliar doctors and having to pay-out-of-pocket for surprising and unexpected medical bills. I want to use my RK360® Mobile App and Cloud Record to keep track of all my health records, including doctor and hospital bills, just as I do with my bank records. My daughter-in-law, who is my personal HIPAA representative, wants to be able to use her RK360® App to help me out with all of this.

User Stories

Maria, age 19

Coping with a rare genetic disorder

I study computer science, write graphic novels and blog about what life is like for people like me, who my dad has always said have “very special genes.” I want to use my RK360® Mobile App to circulate my health information among my network of nurses, doctors, physical therapists and home health aides so that I can live life large and so that my wonderful parents can worry less.

User Stories

Dr. Juan


As an oncologist, my goal is for potential new patients to know from my RK360® Provider Directory Listing that I will review with them the clinical records and encounter results created by their other providers, which patients send me via their RK360® Mobile Apps. I want patients to know that I aim to understand the differing perspectives of their other healthcare providers, while engaging patients in shared decision making around complex, life-changing issues.

Connecting Patients to Providers through Personalized Health Information

What real people say about RK360® Apps


Escrowed with corporate counsel


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“As a dentist,  this is the kind of tool that I and my patients would find to be very helpful.
Currently, when a new patient contacts my office, there is an enormous waste of time and effort trying to contact the previous provider to get x-rays and treatment records. Often the office is closed, or doesn’t have digital images/notes and so days/weeks  can ensue before the records are available. This often means delaying treatment, or taking x-rays which means an additional cost to the patient , as well as additional exposure to x-rays.”

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NYC Public School Teacher and Cancer Survivor

“Going through the trauma of cancer wasn’t helped at all by how broken data sharing is in even the best health systems. A product like RedKangaroo® would have saved me and my family so
time and additional stress.”

Owner of Office Management Company

“A few years back, I went through extensive testing and treatment for fertility issues around my PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). This app would have really helped my doctors share and communicate around test results, labs, treatment plans. It was all me at the time, juggling communications and trying to track the extensive billing. I think this tool would be very helpful for families and individuals embarking on their fertility journey.”

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Retired IBM Executive

“There are many things about this tool that I like and think are very smart.
There is more of an emphasis on provider needs and providing leads to patients.
The emphasis on ransomware and HIPAA authorizations is a smart thing to do. For many doctors, you can’t send them an email with an attachment – they can’t accept it.
I was really interested in being able to get results automatically – many doctors are not so good about doing that. It’s really important to get that information back to the patient, especially if they have questions.
Access to baseline images and records over time can be incredibly valuable.”


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College Professor

“I’ve learned about the importance of being able to gather medical records all in one place in three ways.  First, as a cancer patient.  I had testicular cancer 25 years ago and though I have not suffered any significant problems as a result of the cancer, I have some lingering issues related not to the cancer but, rather to the treatment of the cancer.  It is good for doctors to be able to access my records, know what was done to me, and formulate a plan for the future.
Second, as the spouse of a cancer patient.  My wife has had cancer for many years.  While she is doing well, it is extremely useful for doctors who are new to her care to be able to see her long history of scans and treatments when considering new strategies.
Third, as the son of a mother who suffered for many years with a strange disease, idiopathic neuropathy, that seems like it could have a hereditary element to it.  For possible future medical treatment of myself and my children, easy access to my mother’s voluminous medical records could be invaluable.”

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“As a physician, I find the RK360® medical record exchange platform especially useful in the smaller practice setting where timely exchange of medical records between patient and provider is not always possible. The RK360® platform prepares the provider for short-notice telehealth or in-person visits by receiving pertinent medical records sent electronically directly from subscribing patients.

After the visit, the provider verifies the visit by providing to the patient electronic documentation for the care received and treatment plans that the patient can share with family and other providers.

As a patient, I find the RK360® platform intuitive to use, while placing recent and archived medical data from many sources at my fingertips. This ready access is especially important in case of a medical emergency, where this information can be shared through my cell phone with the emergency provider. The platform eliminates surprise bills by allowing me to find and identify providers in my network. The RK360® app allows me to monitor Covid-related symptom over time and by severity, identify symptoms associated with long Covid, and record specific information related to Covid testing and vaccination.”

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“As a senior, I am well aware of the difficulties in not only finding and receiving thorough medical attention but in the myriad of ways that medical records are kept. Between my visits with the medical staff at my living facility, VA care and generalists/specialists that I visit, coupled with using Medicare and Medicaid, housing all of my data and correspondence in one place would be ideal.
I have found a lack of consistency in how medical records are treated and referenced, often varying between not just medical facilities, but individual offices and individual practitioners.
Although I am in my golden years, I still feel comfortable using the cloud and my phone for health data and personal records. Gone are the days of color-coated folders sitting in the doctors office behind the receptionist desk.”